Houston, Stay In Shape While Enjoying Your New RV

Keeping up with healthy habits while traveling in your PPL Motorhome can be difficult.  Being on the road doesn’t mean you have to abandon your healthy eating habits and fitness routines. In fact, keeping fit during travels can be relatively…
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Frostbite While RVing, Know What To Look For

You may think that having a case of frostbite is relegated for those in extreme cold, or those climbing mountains. That is not necessarily the case. Anyone who’s skin is exposed to freezing temperatures, or temperatures below freezing can get…
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December 7, 1941; Remembering Those Lost Then And Now

December 7th, 1941, as stated by FDR was and always will be a day that lives in infamy. In fact, we were at peace with Japan and in talks on stabilizing the European conflicts hours before the surprise attack on…
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