The Travel Times February 2021

Here are a few of my words of wisdom…mostly learned from my own mistakes. If you’re staying in your RV during cold weather, here are a few things to consider…
Have an impactful day! Those are powerful words, but they got me to thinking. You don’t have to be a scholar, a business man or a hero to make a positive impact on someone. Heck, I’m RV Nana and maybe…
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With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I’m sure the question has popped into your head: “How am I gonna cook Thanksgiving dinner in my RV?”. Knowing that your RV has smaller appliances and counter space than your kitchen probably scares…
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While I never think it is a bad thing to brag about the quality of customer service you give as a company, I have to admit, it’s nothing really. In fact, it’s really easy. That is just how we operate. Our…
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If you know me at all, you know that I am intensely patriotic. I simply love my country and those who serve to protect it, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that I’m writing another Memorial Day post. In fact,…
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There comes a time in every RVer’s life when they decide that it’s time for a change. Time to start shopping for a new RV. Spring is usually the time many RVers choose to start the process of looking for…
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It’s that time of year again at your consignment RV and RV parts store, PPL Motorhomes is collecting Teddy Bears for the Cuddles For Kids Teddy Bear Drive for the Missouri City and Houston Police Department Clergy Teams. For years,…
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If there’s one thing that your consignment RV center of Houston, PPL motorhomes, knows it’s having a list of “don’t leave home without them items.” This includes, food, soap, propane, TP and all sorts of other things. Another “never leave…
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