The Travel Times: October 2020

Now, I know I write a few times a year about why putting your RV on consignment is a wise thing to do for quite a few reasons, actually. First, I’m not talking to those RVers who rarely use their…
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OH, BOY, Poison Ivy is back! That 3 leafed terror of nature and destroyer of vacation fun is starting to rear it’s ugly head once again. What should you look for in order to avoid coming in contact with this…
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There comes a time in every RVer’s life when they decide that it’s time for a change. Time to start shopping for a new RV. Spring is usually the time many RVers choose to start the process of looking for…
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If there’s one thing that your consignment RV center of Houston, PPL motorhomes, knows it’s having a list of “don’t leave home without them items.” This includes, food, soap, propane, TP and all sorts of other things. Another “never leave…
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