I love talking about our veterans. They have the only job I know of where they actually write a check in the amount of their life for service to their country payable to all of us, the citizens of the United States. I have two sons in the military. One with 19+ years in the Marines and the other with 18 years in the AirForce. I come from a family of men and women who have served our country, most made it home safely and others lost their lives, or limbs defending our freedom. I feel that I owe each and every member of our military a huge thank you. They make sacrifices every day and so do their family members. Sacrifices the average citizen may never understand. They serve so others will not have to.
In 1919 President Woodrow Wilson declared November 11th as Armistice Day, a day to celebrate our troops, past and current, who served in World War I. In 1938 it became a legal holiday and in 1954 the name was changed to Veteran’s Day to honor all branches of the military. Parades will be held this weekend across the country. I know we will be attending my grandson’s ROTC military ball and banquet this weekend celebrating Veterans Day and the 242nd birthday of the Marine Corp on November 10th. So, whether your RV park is doing a celebration or you have a dinner or parade to attend, please fly your flag proudly!
In the RV business we see many veterans in and out buying RVs. Our team members understand their sacrifices and, when they have that hat on that says World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm or any of the other battles fronts, we make it a point to thank them. I have heard of so many of the RV parks and resorts that actually have their own Parades and celebrations, so fly your flag, thank a vet and, regardless of your political beliefs, take time show you are proud to be an American.