Nana’s Recipes: Mint Chocolate Hot Toddy


Mike Kniec/Flickr Creative Commons

Well y’all, I feel like I might need to give ol’ Mother Nature a swift kick what with summer overstaying its welcome and all. So after drinking one of these by the campfire out at Matagorda over the weekend, it was just too good not to share… and maybe Mother Nature will pay heed and send us firmly into fall. Finally.

So here is an awesome drink to have out by the campsite. Just imagine a clear night and the stars are out doing their twinkly business. Maybe you still have some crickets, maybe it’s still warm enough for tree frogs, but either way there is some sort of wonderful night music of the animal kind. You’ve gathered together a few good friends maybe even some of the family member you enjoy being around, and y’all have all enjoyed your day and now it’s time to set awhile and relax. The evening is crisp, the fire is snapping away and somebody brings you a warm mug of THIS: a mint chocolate hot toddy! Holy moly y’all, this is what cool evenings were invented for!! It’s like a 21 and over Blue Bell drink! Here’s what you need:

  • a packet of regular old hot cocoa
  • water or milk, however you like it, 6oz or so
  • an ounce of your favorite Irish Cream
  • an ounce of your favorite Peppermint Schnapps
  • those little marshmallows if that’s your thing
  • a cinnamon stick if that’s your thing, or a pinch of cinnamon powder

Make the cocoa the way you usually do, then stir in the rest. If you like that fall spice flavor, add the cinnamon! This stuff is so easy to make it’s ridiculous. Now all you need to do is sit awhile, enjoy your evening, warm your hands on the mug, and warm your insides with the drink. 100% win, all ’round!