Have an impactful day!
Those are powerful words, but they got me to thinking. You don’t have to be a scholar, a business man or a hero to make a positive impact on someone. Heck, I’m RV Nana and maybe one of my helpful hints or “Nanaisms” will help someone else have a better day. Of course, all of us can have a positive impact on our friends, family and even total strangers. Just think, even a smile (something you can give away all day long for FREE) can make a difference in someone else’s life.
You know, I think RVers have an impact on others every day. How many times have we gone RVing and our neighbor helps us fix something, warns us about the snakes they just say, teaches us how to work someghin on our RV or simply brings over some s’mores to share.
Well, this young lady the other night hit this home for me and I even printed a cute little sign to look at each morning to remind me to have an impactful day. Someday I would love to be remembered as the positive influence that made an impact on other.
OK, enough of this mushy stuff. I would love to have an impactful day on all of you. I met the nicest couple in our office looking at RVs. Unfortunately, they were one of the many in the US who lost property during the recent storms. It seems like we have all heard this story too often lately, but these people reminded me of an important reminder for all of you. Make copies of all of your important documents and information and put these copies on a thumb drive. I have even heard people tell me they keep their thumb drive with them in case of emergencies and some have even sent these to a next of kin, or executor for safe keeping. That’s not a bad idea. In fact, I think I may practice what I preach on this one. I looked back through the RV Nana blogs and found a blog post from 2011 about preparing for a hurricane. I am sprucing this one up and plan to post it again.
I am pretty good about keeping copies of everything with me in a ziploc bag and also on a thumb drive at home, but never thought to have it with me in the safe in the RV. From drivers license and insurance documents to prescription information, important phone numbers and credit card/banking info to simple phone numbers of friends and family. These are all helpful and important to have with us. You should also make sure you carry some cash and do not put it all in one place. My problem would be remembering where I stash things. You know, the phone number thing is more important than we realize. I remember when I used to rattle off every phone number in our family and all of my friends. Now they are all on speed dial on my cell phone. What happens when and if you lose your cell phone, it gets soaked in rain or it is simply dead. You could be in big trouble in the case of emergency if you are a little confused and cannot remember family or emergency numbers.
I hope you prepare all of these things and never ever need them. In the meantime, start your check list and check it twice. Be prepared because you never know what you may need.