Do you Have RV Park Etiquette?

RV Park Etiquette may need to be something each new RV buyer needs to have in written format.  We started thinking about this recently when we were at our favorite park and some of our neighbors made our experience less than enjoyable, so my husband and I came up with the following information.

  • Try to arrive during daylight hours so you will know exactly what your surroundings look like.  I know that for all of us working RVers, we can only leave work so early and sometimes have to arrive late.  We try our hardest to avoid this because we’re tired at that point and setting up can end up being a real nightmare.
  • Think of your campsite as your yard at home and keep your items within your own boundaries.  Sometimes the slides will just extend too far over  (even on top of the picnic table next door) but try to avoid this and ask the manager if you can move to a larger space if needed.
  • Teach your kids and some adults you know that hey need to walk around the campsites and not through them.
  • Dogs love the outdoors, but do keep them on a leash and clean up after them.
  • Try to keep your music, televisions and conversations down so your neighbor does not have to hear all the details of your recent doctors check up or listen to your style music.
  • Meet your neighbors and share your RV experiences.  This may be the chance you have to make a friend for life, but don’t force yourself on them.  Some people simply want to escape from the world when they go camping.