Awning Locks Can be Lifesavers

Many believe that there are two classifactions of RVers…those that have had their awnings blown off and those that will!”  Pretty funny quote, but unfortunately somewhat true. It’s not a great feeling when you’re traveling down the highway, only to then have your awning catch some wind and then fly off. Some have even had the awing flip over to the other side and break windows. Don’t let this happen to you. You may be an expert RVer, or just beginning, but my advice is purchase an awning lock now if you haven’t already.


This will be a money/time saving investment,it will save you the headache of having to repair or replace your awning.  There are several places to find them online, simply google it and it will come up.
In addition to saving you an awing, it could also save a life. There have been reports of bad accidents caused by awning coming loose and injuring and killing other drivers on the road.  So make sure you awning is secure and stay safe. Check your local RV dealer to see if they carry them as well. Safe travel RV friends!