The Perfect Valentine’s Day For The RVer

Ah, Valentine’s Day. Flowers, chocolates, cards and romance. Valentine’s Day is a day that makes some giddy like school children and others, well, maybe not as much, but you can’t deny that it is one of the most romantic days of the year.  If you are looking for a little history on Valentine’s Day, you can find it here. Now I’m a romantic at heart, and if I have one complaint it’s that the modern Valentine’s Day has become focused on flowers, gifts, and expensive dinners, wandering off from it’s true roots of the historic Valentine figures and their appeal of romance, sympathy, and heroism.   However, we can all embrace the notions of the day, even if we’re not currently involved in a romantic relationship.


Take advantage of this day to reach out to family members and catch up with each other. Send an e-card or quick email to a friend that you couldn’t imagine you’re life without and tell them you appreciate your friendship. Even better, drop off some Valentine’s cards signed “Your Valentine” to a nursing home to treat the residents to a sweet surprise.  Make this day more special than a purchased gift…give the gift of yourself.

…and what’s the perfect Valentine’s Day for the RVer? Well RVing, of course! There’s nothing quite like sitting under the stars with the person you love witha glass of wine and some wonderful memories.

Happy Valentine’s Day!