Spring is in the air and we can all see the excitement int the RV life community. I’ve been seeing buyers are coming out of the woodwork and our PPL family has been super-excited to help make their “Happy Camper” plans come to fruition. Whether you’re a seasoned RVer, or a “Newbie”, there are things you need to do now to have the best RV experiences ever. From making reservations at your favorite parks to doing your spring cleaning, RV Nana and everyone at PPL are ready to help you. Plus, with the new RV Parts Superstore catalogs that are now in stock and it’s loaded with everything you need to start your Spring cleaning your RV and restock on parts and accessories.
Spring cleaning includes everything from cleaning the awning to the cleaning out the interior cabinets in your RV and we have some great products to help you make your RV shine. Two of my favorite products come from Thetford. Their Awning Cleaner and Black Streak Remover make fast work of your RV spring cleaning. OH! And don’t forget…now is the time to change all the batteries in your remotes, flashlights and smoke detectors!
HELPFUL HINT: this seems like old news to me, but it works. If you own a Fifth Wheel, I’m sure you have occasionally had wasps and yellow jackets in your receiver hitch. Those pesky critters like to make a home up there and just wait for you to reach in and get your electrical cord. Here’s a simple hint that really works. Spray WD40 in the receiver hitch every couple of weeks and it, miraculously, keeps many of these critters away!
One of the better things you can do while getting ready for your Spring RVing is making a list of the things that you should check. For example: checking the roof for any cracks in the caulk, cleaning the air conditioner filters, thumping the vents on top to make sure they are not brittle, checking tire pressure, checking batteries, replacing the fresh water filter and verifying you have all your supplies you need for the upcoming camping season. There are lots of things to check and if you find that you need a part, just call PPL 1-800-755-4775 and we’ll get you any replacement parts or items you will need.
Remember, if you don’t have the newest RV Parts Superstore catalog, We are happy to mail one to you along with the current issue of the Texas Campground Owners Association guide. Visit our website today and start making memories in your RV!
Do you have a service that comes out and cleans and fixes RV’s? I amnin Carpinteria.
We do not have that type of service. Sorry, Paige.