RV Road Games


Source: www.mothers-home.com

Source: www.mothers-home.com


Who doesn’t love bringing their kids, or grandchildren along for an RV trip? I know I certainly do, but let’s face it — at some point on a trip, the miles add up and those kids would rather be anywhere than cruising down the road watching the same truck stop/fast food joint go by at every exit. I’m sure to them it feels like the same view is over the next hill that was over the last hill and it is getting very boring. Remember those road trips with your family when you were a kid? Remember playing road sign bingo or spotting all the out of state license plates? Well here are a few road games both children and grown ups alike can play that will help pass the time between stops.

Who’s in that car?

Pick a car that’s traveling alongside, and see who can make up the best story about who’s traveling in that car. Who are they? Where are they going? Why are they going there? What’s in the trunk? What pets did they leave at home? What crimes have they committed? Have they ever been on Family Feud? You get the idea. This can be an endless source of entertainment because let’s face it, there are only going to be more and more cars on the road!

License Plate Figure-Outer

Imagine every license plate you see is actually a vanity plate, and it’s your job to figure out what they’re trying to brag about. For example: “PWI 035” could mean “Professional Wrestler Inside, 0-wins, 35-losses”. Well that record is hardly “professional” but you understand what I mean. Another example: “PSR 632” could be “Plastic Surgery Rich-guy, 6 hours a day, 3 days a week, 2 months a year”. Options are limitless.

One Word Answer

At the beginning of the day, pick a word at random in conversation. That word is now the One Word Answer and must be used to answer any question posed. Say you decide that today’s word is “Buster”, whoever is It must use that word to answer all questions until the other person laughs, then you switch words and switch the person who’s It. For example:

Asker: “I sure can’t wait until we get to Des Moines and see your family again. What are you going to do when you see your Mother?”

Answer-er: “Buster.”

What’s your favorite road game, please leave a comment below and let us know. We all need new ways to kill time on the road! And remember, before you hit the highway, remember to hit our website!