PPL Motorhomes: Thank You Park Volunteers

PPL Motorhomes wants to say, “Thank You” on behalf of our staff and all of those who buy parts, or leave their consignment RVs with us. We all have one thing in common, we all love our State parks. However, I think that most of us forget that before we ever visit one of our beautiful State Parks there are volunteers already there cleaning up, beating paths, painting facilities and running tours. There are there day in and day out making sure that our experiences are nothing but memorable. They also stay long after we’ve left the park to ensure that the experience is the same for other RVers, campers and hikers time and time again.

The bottom line is that without State Park volunteers, we would not have the parks.  They meet, greet and curtail the visitors making sure to take care of the park and the visitors.  In fact, the park hosts can be some of the greatest assets to the parks.  Many are out there to make sure your camping, or RVing experience is terrific.

Here’s a little insight as to what they do.

Remember, the next time you are out at a State Park, take the time to thank a volunteer for their commitment to making Texas Parks beautiful through what amounts to nothing less than 8 hours of backbreaking work daily. State Park Volunteers are the backbone of our Parks System and without them, well, I’d hate to imagine what sate our parks would be in.

If you are retired and looking for something to do on your RV vacation, consider volunteering at the State Parks you are visiting. Visit this link for more information: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/involved/volunteer/spdest/ There is little more rewarding than knowing your made a significant difference by being a steward of the great State of Texas.