PPL Motorhomes: Clearance Height…Know It

Here’s something that you don’t see every day. RV vs. Bridge, who do you think will win? The bridge will, of course. If there is one thing that all of us here at PPL Motorhomes know, it’s the height of our RVs in relation to the bridges and low hanging tree limbs and powerlines along our routes. You should always know the clearance height of your RV before attempting to navigate under anything. A good idea is to write it on an index card and tape it directly to your dashboard.

Low bridges like in the picture above are rare, but can be found across the state – usually off of the beaten path. I’m really not sure how such an extreme miscalculation could have happened other than to speculate that the driver either forgot he was towing his rig (which seems unlikely), or he wasn’t paying attention to signage that usually precedes a low overpass. When venturing into rural areas, there is a possibility that you will encounter a low bridge, so watch for warning signs.

Keep in mind too though, that’s it’s not just bridges that you have to think about while in tow.


The bottom line is that you always need to be extra aware while towing your rig. It’s very easy to get lazy and start assuming that you will fit under every bridge, overhang or protruding tree. When you stop paying attention is when these things creep up on you and chances are you are going to do irreparable damage to your beloved Texas RV.

We all know someone who has either had an accident of this nature, or has come really close to having one. It can easily be our rig that is the next victim of us not paying attention to our surroundings and knowing our RV’s height. They put measurements on over passes for a reason folks, don’t ignore them. PPL motorhomes wants you to enjoy that RV for many more years to come, so go and put the height of your RV somewhere obvious on your dashboard for future reference.