Outdoor RV Kitchens Are A Real Timesaver

Photo Courtesy of RV52.com

Ok. I’ll admit it. I was never a big fan of the outdoor kitchens that have started popping up on new RV models within the past couple of years. I can remember when I first saw them, I wondered to myself “Why would anyone need a kitchen outside?”. After my daughter and son-in-law bought a 2013 Coachmen Freedom Express, I get it and I can’t believe it’s taken me this long.

Sure, it may seem unnecessary, but boy, is it ever handy! I never really thought about it, but having a dorm sized refrigerator, a place to put your cups and plates, a little 2 burner grill and a sink outside are pretty handy. No more having to run inside and get utensils and supplies when you’re barbecuing.  There’s even a pull-out table so we don’t have to handle freshly cooked food and carry it up the stairs into our RV! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard of people losing a steak or a chicken breast off their plate because they bumped into the wall on the way up the stairs. Now you can just serve it all outside without having to worry about getting everything back inside so your party can eat.

Spending time outside with my family is one of my favorite things to do and it’s so easy to get distracted when we have to run inside for a drink, once that happens, I get distracted and completely forget why I even went inside. Staying outside and enjoying the outdoors must’ve been the idea behind the inventor of the outdoor kitchen and for that, I salute you!