Nana’s Recipes: Around the Campfire


simpleinsomnia/Flickr Creative Commons

As I said in the last blog, we spent some tie on the beach with the grandkids last weekend, and there’s nothing quite like spending an evening under the stars with loved ones around the campfire. It’s one of those so completely natural feelings, and every time it happens you wonder why you don’t do it more often. So for today’s blog I thought I’d share a few truly classic recipes for campfire snacks.

The S’More

This snack needs no introduction. If you don’t know Mr. and Mrs. S’More, you’ve never been camping. For the truly classic S’More all you need is graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows. Now what kind of chocolate to use I’ll let y’all argue over, because you just use whatever kind you like the best or have on hand. What you do is you take a couple marshmallows, stab them onto the end of a stick and toast them over the campfire til they turn brown. Once they’re brown you squish them onto a graham cracker, put a square of chocolate on another graham cracker and make a lil sandwich out of the two pieces. Enjoy responsibly! Haaa!

The Hot Dog

Another timeless classic that is so ridiculously easy to make yet awesome to eat. Here’s what you do (for you non-campers): take a hot dog weenie, stab it onto the end of a stick, cook it over the campfire until it is cooked to your preferred level of cookedliness, insert into bun, add whatever condiments you like. Enjoy responsibly! Haaa!

Chili Pie

Another so simple a dish it almost embarrasses me to tell you folks how to make it. Open a couple cans of your favorite chili, poor them into some sort of receptacle you can place over the fire, heat up chili, line a bowl with corn chips, pour heated chili into the bowl, enjoy responsibly! Haaa!

We have all kinds of camping and grill accessories here at PPL Motorhomes.com, come check em out!
