Keep Your RV Organized

A few days ago, I wrote about cleaning out your RV and removing all of the stuff you really don’t need. As we all know, when we let our RVs go, it’s very easy to start packing on top of old trip junk. If you haven’t totally cleared out your RV and decided on everything you do need, organizing isn’t going to do you any good. The idea is to get rid of useless stuff that is just taking up space and adding weight. Remember, every extra pound you have in your RV that you don’t need is just a waste of gas.

OK, let’s say you went through your entire RV and cleaned out everything you don’t need; now you just need to organize the stuff that “lives” in your RV. This is where a little ingenuity will come in handy. When we first bought our RVs, of course storage space was on out mind, but maybe we saw large open spaces and thought, “Wow, that’s a lot of storage,” only to find that stacking and balancing your items in your cabinets is just asking for trouble. What do you do now? Harness that space somehow. I’ve heard of RVers going as far as making brilliant use of space like in the video below.


If there ever was a time to visit a container store/organization store, it’s now. You can use glass dividers, plate holders, a lazy Susan for loose spices and condiments. You can pick up a few water tight tubs for large items and small items alike. The bottom line is, to simplify your RVing experience, try organizing your RV lifestyle.