Healthier Road Trip Snacking Methods


Max Wolfe/Flickr Creative Commons

We all know that part of a trip where you’re stuck in one of those more straight, empty, boring parts of the drive. It’s August, it’s hot and everywhere you look you see 100 different shades of brown. We all know what happens right about then too. You start thinking to yourself, “Man. I could sure use a snack.” You’re not hungry really, but you are very bored and eating a little something would provide a diversion from that rainbow of ugly happening outside your windshield. Usually at that point you see a small country store gas station that is the only thing happening at the next exit on the interstate and you think to yourself, “Well, I could stretch my legs, top up the tank, and grab a bite.” Those little stores have candy, Giganto-sized sugary drinks, and all sort of stuff fried in last week’s grease. The sugar crash you’re going to have in a couple dozen miles is going to be huge if you eat that junk, so today I thought we could talk about some more healthy sensible snacking methods while you’re traveling.

If you’re traveling in an RV, you’re traveling with your own kitchen, so with a little planning and  forethought there is absolutely no need to stop at that little ghost town convenience store. The food is junk and over-priced too. When it comes to road snacks, think in terms of a filling, energy-giving snack that will keep you feeling awake, alert, and full longer than the processed sugar snakes of the roadside convenience.

For example, instead of having potato chips, why not have some nuts instead? Doesn’t matter what kind, just as long as you like them! Most verities come in a lightly salted option these days, but if nuts aren’t your thing and you’re having a craving from crunchy, throw some popcorn in the microwave. When it comes to drinks, ditch the 44oz (or larger, sheesh) soft drinks and replace them with juice (100% fruit or vegetable) or even water. You’d be surprised how well water knocks the edge off a craving. Needless to say, fresh fruit and vegetables that are pre-cleaned and sliced before you hit the road are a wonderful option, and they’re only as far away as your fridge or cooler.

We here at PPL Motorhomes are only as far away as a few clicks on the keyboard anytime you need parts or accessories out on the road. Happy snacking, happy driving!