Tornado Season Is Here

Texas is a big state. It’s so big that we record, on average, 132 tornadoes per year. That’s an astonishing number. What makes it even more astonishing is the fact that 63% of those are recorded in April, May or June. With tornado season here, it’s always good to be prepared for the threat of inclement weather and especially tornadoes. Tornadoes and RVs are a deadly combination. If you think the shaking and shifting is bad when it gets windy, you definitely don’t want to be inside one when there’s a full blown tornado warning in the area. 60-70 mile an hour winds could easily topple over an RV. That’s why I suggest getting on your smartphone and downloading a few apps from the Red Cross. They’ve taken it upon themselves to create a few necessary apps for us RVers. All of these apps are designed to warn its users of impending weather related events in relation to your location. The ones that I recommend for the RVing bunch are as follows:

Red Cross Tornado App

This app is, quite possibly, a life-saver. Not only does it warn you of tornado warning and watches in your area, it also tells you where the closest shelters are located, how to put together an emergency plan and a bunch more. This app is always on my phone and I can’t imagine RVing anywhere in Texas without it.


Red Cross Wildfire App

Another important one to have on your phone. During our brutal summers, wildfire are almost a way of life. At any given moment, a wildfire could break out and cause mass destruction. Wouldn’t you like to know if you’re in the path of destruction? Much like the Tornado app, this one gives you access to shelter locations and emergency preparation instructions to make sure you and your family are safe.


Red Cross Flood App

During these next few months, April, May and June, storms are more prevalent than the rest of the year and you never know when you’ll get caught out at a campsite when it moves in and puts a damper on your trip. Not only does it limit your time outdoors, but it could also mean flooding. Stay on top of the breaking flooding happening in your area and don’t get caught!

What weather related or emergency apps do you use?

All images courtesy of redcross.org.