Texas Handgun Laws For Driving

photo credit: D. O'hearn

photo credit: D. O’Hearn

I realize in today’s hypersensitive America that a discussion of firearms and firearms law will automatically raise some folks’ hackles, so if you find yourself upset at the mere title of this blog, please refrain from reading further.

As for the rest of us, let’s face it: our world ain’t getting any more sane these days. Goofiness abounds out there and more and more of us feel like we need something a little stouter than the locks on our doors to feel safe in certain portions of our country. For example, the border areas of our fine state are beautiful with many natural outdoor activities to enjoy, but at the same time cartel activity is on the rise, there are DPS gunboats on Falcon Lake for a good reason, and cross border gunfire happens all along the Rio Grande.

Fortunately, if you are a citizen of Texas, or are traveling through Texas, you can carry a handgun legally in your RV. Here are the rules as they are currently applied per the actual law (section 46.02):

  • According to Texas law a person who can legally possess a firearm, may possess, carry, or transport it in their motor vehicle.
  • The firearm must be concealed in your motor vehicle.
  • You are also covered under the law when carrying the firearm while you are directly en route to or from your motor vehicle or premises

You are in violation of the law if:

  • The handgun is in plain view
  • If you are engaged in criminal activity, other than a Class C misdemeanor that is a violation of a law or ordinance regulating traffic or boating
  • Prohibited by law from possessing a firearm
  • a member of a criminal street gang, as defined by Section 71.01

The above bullet points are direct quotes from Texas law, and I need to point out to our interstate readers that these are only applicable in Texas! For laws pertaining to your state, there are several websites that have up to date legal guidelines in a state by state manner that are easily accessed by Googling “handgun laws state by state”. The above points are good as of today but who knows what the next legislative session will bring? Please keep yourself current on the law if you’re going to carry a handgun in your RV, it’s part of your responsibility in owning it (the firearm and/or the RV) in the first place.