Rest Stops: It’s Always A Good Idea To Stay Alert and Be Cautious


AllieKF/Flickr Creative Commons

One of my customers came in the other day and told me a story about how he and his wife had stopped at a rest stop to stretch their legs and give their puppy a little break. He headed into the facilities and his wife walked the dog.  Sounds like something we have all done.

They returned to their RV and continued their drive.  A few minutes later his wife looked for her cell phone and couldn’t find it.  Of course, they  thought they had left it at the rest stop so, before turning around, they pulled over to do a more thorough search.  They were sure it had been dropped somewhere in the RV and was out of sight.  As they looked for it, she realized she couldn’t find her purse either.  I can only imagine the words in  their conversation at that point.  Is she losing her mind? She did not even recall taking either item out of the RV.  After looking more thoroughly, they realized their camera and a plastic cup full of change, two items normally kept in a basket on the dinette table, we’re missing too!  I bet you know where this story is going.  While they were both away from the RV, someone had slipped in and simply helped themselves.  They started calling credit card companies and their worst nightmare had become a reality.  They felt violated and their trip was ruined.

They now make it a point to share this experience with others.  A few precautionary measures could have saved them headaches and this trip would have been a great memory instead of a horrible nightmare.  Yes, they still RV and love the lifestyle and that is probably not going to change.  What is changing is that they now  take time to lock doors and keep them locked.  This is something to think about when you are camping at a campground, too!  Yes, we do meet the nicest people when we are RVing, but it doesn’t hurt to be cautious.  Unfortunately, whether you are at home or in your home away from home…everyone is not always honest and we must keep safety in mind.

If you have a story that you think might help your fellow RVers, please share it with me.  In the meantime, have fun and make memories!