PPL Motorhomes On Owning An RV: RV Storage

So, you’ve finally done it! You’ve bought your first RV! You’ve put vasts amounts of effort into researching, choosing and buying that first RV and now the realities of RV ownership are starting to sink in like: “Where am I gonna keep this thing”?

Parking the vehicle at your residence can be an issue for some. If you do not have extensive garden and driveway space around your home, you may be looking at on-street parking. Something I don’t recommend. Try to avoid parking your RV on side and neighborhood streets as it’s either illegal, dangerous, annoying to neighbors or all of the above.

Consider storage facilities  – these can be both indoor and outdoor. Some RV owners may house their vehicle indoors to avoid any winter damage typically caused by ice, rain and sun. Some RV owners are just fine with an outdoor RV port.  Good storage facilities also usually provide a better level of security such as lock up, video surveillance etc. Some facilities, not only offer storage, but also concierge services, RV Service, wash bays, disposal and much more for very reasonable rates.  The way I look at it is, if I’m going to put as much time as I do into the upkeep of my motorhome, I’m also going to store it during my off season at a place I know will take as good care of it as I would.

HOT TIP: If you are going to buy a RV, then understand that you must also likely service that RV. The habitation area requires certain procedures to be undertaken at regular intervals. Some of this servicing requires expertise that the average owner likely does not have. Likewise, if you bought a motorhome, the engine and mechanical parts require regular servicing from a qualified mechanic.

Look, owning and maintaining an RV isn’t “rocket science”, but it’s also not for the feint of heart. You will have to have answers to questions like, “Where am I gonna’ keep this thing?” answered before you sign on the dotted line. But trust me, when you do buy your first RV, you will always remember that moment as the beginning of an endless adventure.

RV smart…

RV Nana

PPL Motorhomes!