Be a Good Neighbor When You Overnight in a Parking Lot

Overnight parking. phot from: http://rv-roadtrips.thefuntimesguide.com/2009/12/rv_parking-2.php

Photo from: http://rv-roadtrips.thefuntimesguide.com/2009/12/rv_parking-2.php

I read this in the September/October issue of RVing Women and it’s a great set of guidelines for those times you find yourself without a campsite and need to overnight in a parking lot. The individual points are common sense of course, but sometimes when it’s late and we’re tired and road weary, that common sense has a way of wandering off. The last thing we want is to ruin a good thing for an entire community of good folks traveling.

On page 55 it says:

Industry-sanctioned Code of Conduct (RVers’ Good Neighbor Policy)

  1. Stay one night only!
  2. Obtain permission from a qualified individual
  3. Obey posted regulations
  4. No awnings, chairs, or barbeque grills
  5. Do not use hydraulic jacks on soft surfaces (including asphalt)
  6. Always leave the area cleaner than you found it
  7. Purchase gas, food, or supplies as a form of thank you, when feasible
  8. Be safe! Always be aware of your surroundings and leave if you feel unsafe.

These rules are fairly well known and easy to comply with. You just have to realize that your being there overnight needs to have the smallest impact possible on the folks who are there everyday. Rule #5 and #6 are the two biggies because they run the highest risk of moving from a minor irritation to actually costing those folks money to either clean up behind you, or repave where you parked. Jacks pressed into asphalt turn into potholes after a few rains or snow.

We RVers are a responsible, friendly community and we have to ensure that the people we come in contact with leave with that impression as well. There is nothing better after a long day on the road than meeting people that are RV friendly and willing to lend a helping hand. If there is anything you need on the road, please visit us at PPL Motorhomes!