So many folks from up north travel to Texas for the winter, I thought today I’d spend a little time on a couple of the places here in Texas you could visit while waiting for spring to arrive back home.

Charles Henry/Flickr Creative Commons
Fredericksburg, TX. Fredericksburg used to be a sleepy little German town nestled in the Texas hill country, but it was “discovered” back in the 90’s by the world-at-large and it is now a thriving little German town nestled in the Texas hill country. If you like history, antiques, and German cuisine, this is a must-see place! The main street is lined with antique shops, shops that cater to the cottage trades like candle making, hill country honey and the like, as well as offering wines from the local vineyards. Also in Fredericksburg is the National Museum of the Pacific War so you fellas can go look at old tanks and planes and guns while the ladies are burning through your winter budget on main street!
Goliad, TX. Goliad is one of the oldest towns in Texas, dating all the way back to the 1700’s when the Spanish founded a town and mission on the banks of the San Antonio River. Goliad also figured large during the Texas Revolution by being the spot of the massacre of Colonel Fannin and his men after losing to Santa Anna at the Battle of Coleto. Oddly enough Goliad is also the birthplace of the Mexican general Zaragosa who defeated the French at the Battle of Puebla which is celebrated on Cinco de Mayo, so if you ever wondered what that was all about, there you go! Today’s Goliad hosts two restored and maintained Spanish missions: Mission Nuestra Senora del Espirtu Santo de Zuniga, and Presidio la Bahia. The previously mentioned San Antonio River runs through town, and it is a beautiful place to stop.
Winters are fairly short here in Texas but since winters up north are so long, you have plenty of time to enjoy Texas. While you’re toodling around the boonies remarking on what a beautiful state you’re currently in and how you wish back home was as pleasant and friendly as where you spend you winters, don’t forget to visit us at PPL Motorhomes for all your RV accessories!