2013 Super Bowl Food Recipe – Stuffed Mozzarella Meatballs

You can’t have a Super Bowl party without having some really good food, that’s just a fact! Whether you are having a Super Bowl party at home, or in your RV, I found this great recipe for delicious stuffed mozzarella meatballs. Sure, this is a little bit of a departure from the standard bowl game fare of hot dogs, hamburgers and chips, but trust me, all of your guests will be impressed with your cooking skills when you whip up this easy to prepare and delectable dish.

It can be served with a side of marinara sauce, or eaten as is. The marinara sauce is simply made with tomatoes, pesto, oregano, garlic and olive oil.

What you’ll need:
2 Pounds of Ground Beef
1 Pound of Ground Pork
Tablespoon of Salt
Teaspoon of Crushed Red Pepper
2 Tablespoons of Fresh Chopped Parsley
Teaspoon of Chopped Garlic
2 Eggs
3 Tablespoons of Shredded Mozzarella
About 30, 1 inch x 1 inch blocks of Mozzarella Cheese
4 Tablespoons of Parmigiana Cheese
About a Cup of Bread Crumbs

Who know that your Super Bowl Party could have and Italian twist to it? This Sunday, give this recipe a try and let me know what you think. Plus, if you decide not to cook it this weekend, this is fantastic for when you are our on the road enjoying the RV lifestyle…Italian style! Mangiare!